Leather Team Srl

Warehouse / Customs Warehouse / TPA Service

With a covered area of around 8500 square meters, Leather Team allows the customer to store more batches of leather awaiting processing, without being forced to work them immediately.

In addition a special area of the warehouse, specifically limited, is used as a customs warehouse, so we dispose of an area where the customer can receive the containers, select and view them without having to nationalize them immediately; this service offers a double advantage:

  • Our customer can ask the supplier to inspect the lot in an area safe for both parties, in order to protect the transactions and the exercise of reserves or specific checks of the goods even before any payment procedures for the lots stationed awaiting for subsequent processing or handling.
  • The customs warehouse service allows those who use it to suspend the payment of VAT for the period in which the goods are not processed or further moved.

Concession of the “Active improvement” namely TPA, to have the possibility for the goods in stock in the customs warehouse, subject to duty and destined to customers outside the EEC, to proceed with the transformation of the same into finished product without the obligation to nationalize it and consequently without having the obligation to subject it to VAT and duties.

We also offer a 360-degree administrative support for incoming and outgoing handling of TPA goods.